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how to knit yo of previous rows

by Elhoca

The eyelet pattern chart I'm trying to do reads like this:
- sl 1, k1, psso
-drop yo of previous row and make a new yo in its place
-RS: k tog the yarn overs of the 2 prev rows
-RS: p tog the yarn overs of the 2 prev rows
-RS: k1, WS, p1

I have problems with knitting/purling the yarn overs of the 2 previous rows. Can't find video/instructions on line.
Thanks for your help.

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Feb 19, 2021
How to knit yo of previous row
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Elhoca,

I don't know what came before this but I will pretend that it's all stockinette st and that what I have here in the video.

I worked a few row of st st and then proceed to the instruction you gave below.
K2tog, yo, sl 1-k1-psso, drop yo of previous row and make a new yo in its place
RS: k tog the yarn overs of the 2 prev rows
WS: p tog the yarn overs of the 2 prev rows (you typed RS, I think you meant WS)
RS: k1, WS, p1

Here is a short video tutorial I made for you. Hope it answers your questions.

Have a good evening!


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