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Increased stitches in the body of a knitted blanket

by Margaret McCall


At the beginning of a knitted blanket with cables ,when you have formed the border. Why do you increase stitches at the beginning of the cable pattern?

Why can’t you include the full amount of stitches you need at the beginning of casting on

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Sep 23, 2021
Increase stitches in body of pattern
by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome!
You take care as well.


Sep 22, 2021
Increase stitches in body of pattern
by: Anonymous

Hello Ratcha

Yes I understand now. Thankyou very much.
Take care

Margaret McCall

Sep 22, 2021
Increase stitches after a border before a cable body
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Margaret,

There are two reason I can think of which are;

1. Cable patterns tend to pull stitches toward the center of the patterns, especially where the twists are formed. This causes the body to shrink in and the borders to fan out.

2. The border patterns and the body are different and they have different gauges.

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