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Increasing when knitting Sleeves

by Lorraine Bell
(Wellington, New Zealand)

A lot of instuctions for knitting sleeves say something like this:
Inc 1 st at each end of 1st and every foll 4th row.
Does this mean I increase 4 stitches every 4 rows or just 2, once every 4th row?

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Jun 30, 2024
Knitting a sleeve
by: Candy Jelton

Cast 31 work 17 rows increase 1st at each end of 3rd & every following 14th row there will be 13 rows straight between each increase row there will be 35dts on your needle

This is confusing doesn’t make sense
Thank you

Apr 09, 2024
Increase at on sleeves
by: Ingrid

Inc 1st on the 3rd row and every 4th row, both ends for knitting sleeves.
K 2 rows even
Row 3 Inc
Row 4-6 knit even
Row 7 Inc
Row 8-9 even
Row 10 Inc
Row 11-14 even
Row 15 Inc

Or after row 7 do I just work on a marker
And count 2 rows and then count 4 rows

Hope you can help
Thank you

Is this correct?


After row 7, you knit straight for 3 rows and then inc on the 4th row afterward. These would be rows 11, 15, 19, and so forth until you get the required number of stitches the pattern calls for.

You had it right except for the row 10 inc. It should be worked even and then inc on row 11. Reset your row counter after each inc row to row 1, once the counter changes to 4 then do the inc.

Thanks for asking,

Jan 19, 2024
by: Anonymous

Please explain.sleaves increase. Pattern set 6 rows with the 5th row inc.this sets the pattern. Then inc 7th and every following 8th row.


First increase on the 5th row. Then inc on the 7th row and then inc every 8th row until further instruction.

This means to keep working on the 6 row-repeated pattern set and at the same Time increase on the 5th row once, then start counting the next row as row 1 and work 6 rows straight then on the 7th row you do the increase. *Restart row counting to 1 and work 7 rows straight then increase on the 8th rows. Repeat from * until further instruction.

Tip- Keep tract of the 6 rows pattern and increase rows separately. For example, You can have a row counter for the pattern and mark increase rows with paper and pen.

Hope this won't confused you.


Dec 31, 2023
Increasing when knitting sleevex
by: Anonymous

Cast on 51 stitches for ribbing then when ribbing is complete on sleeve increase in stockinette stitch.
Here are the directions:
Inc 1st stitch on each end of the needle( be and end I presume)
On next and following 4th rows to 97, then every 6th row to 81 stitches.
If this is gradual( can someone write out the rows?) I’m not sure of how this is done)
Thanks so much!

Dec 07, 2023
Increase on 4th row stockinet
by: Anonymous

If my increase on sleeve in stockinet is on 4th row, is that on purl side?


It depends on what's your 1st row is. Usually sleeve increase is on the right side of stockinette st.

For example, If an instruction states inc a st at each end in the next row (which is right side) and then inc every foll 4th rows. This inc would be done on the right side of every 4th rows.


Dec 01, 2023
Increase 1sts at end of next and 2
by: Anonymous

What does this mean?


To increase 1 st at the end of the next row and I don't know what "and 2" means. This is incomplete instruction. I'd need to see the rest of it to be able to help you.


Feb 24, 2023
increase 1 st at each end of 3rd row and every foll 8th row
by: Ratchadawan

First, you increase a stitch at the beginning and ending of the 3rd row. This means you work even for 2 rows and then increase on the next row.
Second, Use a row counter or use a pen and paper to keep track of each row each row as you knit. Once you finished all the 8 rows you can reset the counter to 0. * Work even for 7 rows and then increase a stitch on each ends on the 8th row; repeat from * until further instruction.


Feb 24, 2023
by: Anonymous

Please help i am new to knitting
Increase 1st at each end of 3rd row and every following 8th row

Sep 05, 2022
Increase on sleeves
by: Jan

Thank you so much! I was so confused! Now I know where to go for help.

Dec 30, 2020
Help with sleeve
by: Dawn

Can someone help me please Ii have cast on me 34 stitches done wot I had to do I have now changed my needles to 4mm and got to work in st-st throughout can someone help me now with the inc bit it’s telling me to inc 1 st at each end of 5th and every following 4th row till 34 sts inc 1 st at each end of every following 6th row till 40 sts I’m confused can someone write this out in rows what I need to do like row 1 knit Row 2 inc so I no exactly wot to do I’m a beginner and I’m very confused please help anyone

Aug 06, 2020
by: Anonymous

Check you row numbers. Row 9-11?

May 03, 2020
increasing when knitting sleeves
by: Ratchadawan

Hell Lorraine,

"Inc 1 st at each end of 1st and every foll 4th row."

This means you increase 1 st at each end on the next row (count at 1st row) and then increase at each end again on every 4 rows.

So, your work would look like this;

next row (row 1): inc
row 2-3: work even
row 4: inc
Row 5-7: work even
Row 8: inc
Row 9-11: work even
Row 12: inc

and so forth until you reach the number of stitches required or as many time as instruct.

Thank you for your question.
Take care,


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