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K2Tog then k first st in RT (right leaning twist)

by Denise Osborne
(Wasilla, AK, USA)

right twist (RT) stitch

right twist (RT) stitch

Please help me understand the following instructions:

Round 5-12: *k2tog and leave on left needle, k first stitch (when you knit this stitch, be sure to come back up between the two stitches) then slip the two stitches*

I understand how to K2Tog, but I don't understand the rest of the instructions.

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Mar 07, 2021
K2Tog then k first st in RT (right leaning twist)
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Denise,

Thanks for visiting and sharing your work.
The knitting method you mentioned above is called a "right twist". This creates a right slanted as you can see in the picture above.
I found a very good video showing how to do the RT stitch that you're looking for.

It's pretty much straight forward but for doing it the first time is pretty confusing. I think it's just the written instruction that makes it confusing.

What you do it to k2tog, then don't slip them off the needle, knit into the 1st stitch again and then slip both stitches off at the same Time.

Here is a video for RT.

Have a fun day!


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