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lacey raglan

by Frances
(Reading UK)

I would like to adapt a baby cardigan I have so that there is a lacey (slanting) column after the raglan decrease, both on the arms and the body. That is, to do the knit one, slip one, psso as usual and then have a lacey stitch.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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Apr 28, 2024
Lacey cardigan
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Frances,

You could do that but you might have to adjust the number of stitches so that it can accommodate the lace pattern. Find the pattern that has a multiple of stitches that can best fit you cardigan. If there is a few stitches leftover is okay. You can just knit or purl them at the beginning or at the end, or both. Then just make sure you start at the right column of the pattern after each decrease. Thanks for asking and sharing this.

Anyone else has an idea?


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