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Looking for size 7-8 skirt for girl

by Denise

Good morning,
I like the twirly pattern skirt you made for your daughters for kindergarten. How could I make it for my granddaughter who is a size 7? I am a beginner knitter, so would even be interested in any pattern that would be easy but in a size 7 skirt.
Thank you,

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Aug 14, 2022
by: Ratchadawan

Good afternoon Denise,

The original twirly skirt is for 22" waistline.
For size 7-8, you'll need to add 2-3 more inches.

If you want to make the same skirt again but bigger, you can follow the twirly skirt pattern but change the cast on number to 110-116 stitches.

Here are some more patterns that are not mine;

Have fun!

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