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Lost on this one

Working on a child's pullover. Pattern says next round: k5 and slip these sts and last 5 sts of previous round onto st holder, k next 70 sts and slip last 10 sts onto st holder, k to end of round. I have no idea what to do, please help.

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Aug 26, 2018
Lost on this one
by: Ratchadawan


Thanks for sending in your question. I'm trying to picture your work in my mind. I'm imagine that you're working in round and now you are at the last 10 sts of the current rnd. Is that right?

Now let's look at the pattern - "k5 and slip these sts and last 5 sts of previous round onto st holder, k next 70 sts and slip last 10 sts onto st holder, k to end of round."

This is how I will do it:

k5, then slip these 5sts you just knitted on to a holder and then slip the next 5 sts off the left needle on to the holder as well.
K the next 70 sts and slip last 10 sts on to st holder, k to end of round.

That's what I would do. I hope that makes sense to you. May be other people might have some other suggestion.

Have fun knitting!

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