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Multiples in my pattern

by Barbara Anschutz
(Russell, KS)

Hi - very frustrated - I am doing a pattern I did before but I don't want to cast on 96 stitches.

This is the formula

3+2x45+3= 96 stitches

I want to not CO 96 stitches - too wide - I would like it maybe in the low 80s or 70s but I have to come out with 3 purls on each end - so end needs P3 on other end to come out

Here is the pattern

Some rows are all purl

These are the two multiple rows
P3, *K2 tog, YO repeat from *across to last 3 stitches, P3

other row is
P3, *YO, K2 tog repeat from *across to last 3 stitches, P3

I just want to cast on in the 70s or 80s - 96 is too wide

But don't know how to change the formula where I would come out with 3 left to purl.

Can you help me please with a new formula to come out right.

Thank you kindly again.

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Nov 07, 2021
Multiple in the pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Barbara,

Your pattern has only 2 st-repeats and you can pick any even number you want to.

Your formula actually looks like this; 3+ ( any number x 2 ) +3

If you want to have 80 sts, then you can do 3+ 74 + 3. These would work.

Have fun knitting!


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