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Need help with foreign translation of decrease

by Jill

Translation is as follows :-
decrease on both edges on every 2 nd row
First 4sts. then 2 x 1 st then 3x2 sts then 2 x3 sts then 1 x5 sts . I have been knitting for about 50 years but can't work this one out . Any help would be greatly appreciated . thanks

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Oct 17, 2020
Need help with foreign translation of decrease
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Jill,

Decrease on both edges on every 2 nd row
First 4sts. then 2 x 1 st then 3x2 sts then 2 x3 sts then 1 x5 sts . I have been knitting for about 50 years but can't work this one out . Any help would be greatly appreciated . thanks

I'm breaking each decrease down into a simpler term below;

First dec 4sts in the beginning of next 2 rows.
Then dec the following every other row ( or every 2nd row)
dec 1 st on each edge 2 times.
dec 2 sts on each edge 3 times.
dec 3 sts on each edge 2 times.
dec 5 sts on each edge 1 times.

I hope this will help. Thanks for visiting.


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