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P2tog problem...stitch count

by Patricia

yarn forwards create eyelets and increase in stitches.

yarn forwards create eyelets and increase in stitches.

31sts on needle. Next row k2tog, yfwd (yrn) p2tog 14 times, K 1. Remainder sts on needle 30 sts. I dont understand if I p2tog 14 times I can have 30sts left on needle. Would really appreciate your advice.

Many thanks,


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Nov 12, 2021
p2tog problem
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Patricia,

Thanks for the question.

Yes, you will end up with 30 sts because the yfwd will bring up the number of the stitches. It will balance it out.

So, no worry. You can continue with the pattern and you should be fine.

See my knitting sample in the picture above. It shows how yfwd can increase stitches and k2togs (or p2tog in your case) decrease stitches. You will see it more clearer when you knit up the yfwd stitches in the next round.

Happy knitting!


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