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Pattern guidance

by Maria
(Atlanta,GA USA )

I am very new in knitting!!! In the directions I have ( a picture attached) I understand that for “ the armholes (b) “ when my piece measures 35 cm at the beginning of my row on the right side, I will stich the first stich, slip the second stich, knit the 3rd stich and take the 2nd stich over the 1 st stich. Then I will continue knitting until the last 3 stitches where I will purl 2 together and knit the last stich. ( I will be doing this only on the right side of my knit while I will not make any decreases on the wrong side of my knit) Do I read the instructions correctly or am I majorly confused?

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Aug 25, 2020
armhole decrease
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Maria,

I didn't see the instruction to do the decrease as you mentioned above but to make p2tog or p3tog for decreasing depending on the location of the decrease. Below is how I understand it.

For your decrease (b), you still need to maintain the rib pattern and always slip the 1st stitch every row as before. You'll need to do the decreases on the right side only. Your armhole decrease begin at 35mm measurement. it will look like this;

Next row (right side);
*sl 1, p2tog, continue in fisherman rib to last 3 stitches, p3. work 1 row without decrease on the wrong side. Don't forget to slip the first stitch.**
This is the first decrease. Now repeat from * to ** 3 more times. Then work even 2 rows.
Repeat from * to ** until you have a total decrease of 9 or 9 sts have been decreased on each edge.

I hope this makes sense.
Thanks for the question and visit.


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