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Pattern help, please!!

by Tom

My granddaughter has asked me to knit her a black and white checkerboard reversible patterned blanket and I cannot find my pattern! It's knit all together rather than knitting each block and then sewing them together. It's been 40 years since I've used it and I simply can't remember how to do it. I do remember I used double yarns together and then it was sort of knit one side and then the other for a 12 stitch square of black then a 12 stitch of white. The yarn was carried across in the middle so it doesn't show on either side. It wasn't hard to do and it worked up fairly fast but my 76-year old brain is simply refusing to remember it! Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! LocksLegend@aol.com - Tom

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Dec 01, 2021
Pattern help please
by: Ratchadawan

I didn't find an actual blanket pattern. I found this video and I think it might help you get started.

Happy knitting!

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