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Please Help! Want To Know How to Knit Frock or Sweater.

by F.
(United Arab Emirates)


I want to know how to knit frock or sweater.
I don't know how to knit the front, the back, the neck or the shoulder. I would be very grateful if you could help me out.

Thank you.

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Jun 27, 2011
Answer To Knitting Help - I want to knot how to knit.
by: Ratcha


When I made my first sweater, I follow a pattern in a knitting magazine. Knit the back first, then front, then sleeves, sew the pieces together and then finish the neck band, and so forth.

There are many helpful YouTube Videos on how to knit a sweater and other important steps in making sweater. I think you'll find it helpful.

I think the best thing to do is look for some sweater patterns that you like. I don't know how well you can knit, but you can find different level from easy to advanced knitting.

knittingpatterncentral.com has many pattern links you can choose from.

Find the pattern you like and the size that fits you. Then start knitting. I'll be happy to help you if you need further help.

I hope this help you.

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