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Question about one of your patterns

by Raine

I'm trying to knit the beautiful scarf for men, but I don't understand something. What does *(C2B, k3) k2; rep from* to last st, k1 mean. Is the K2 knitted after (C2B K3). I'm trying to do a swatch and casting on a multiple of 7 stitches (21). The pattern first row doesn't work, so, I must be doing something wrong. Thank you for all your beautiful patterns. You are very talelented.


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May 26, 2022

by: Ratchadawan

Hi Raine,

*(C2B, k3) k2; rep from* mean to repeat what what are in the *-*. In this cast you would Repeat (C2B, K3) k2.

Add multiple of 7 sts to the original cast on to make it wider. or if you want it smaller you can subtract 7 sts from the cast on.

So if you want a wider scarf, you would add 7, 14, 21 and so forth to 39 or subtract 7 from 39.

Sorry for the confusion. I will make sure to rewrite the pattern to make it more clear.

Thank you for asking.

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