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Reading a Pattern

by Suzann

row 3: k1, p1, k1, *p2, k6; repeat from star until you get to the last 2 stitches p1, k1.

row 4 k1, p1, knit the knit stitches, purl the purl stitches until you get to the last 2 stitches, p1,k1.

For row 4 I'm not sure of the number of knit and purl stitched I should complete.

I am just learning so all help is very much appreciated.

Thank you

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Aug 25, 2020

by: Ratchadawan

Hello Suzann,

On row four, you will need to knit the knit stitch and purl the purl stitch. I don't know how many knit or purl sts there are. You can just look at the previous row and work acording to each stitch.
the knit stitch looks like a v shape and the purl st look bumpy like a pearl.

I hope this makes sense. Thanks for the questiion.

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