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Right side button band

by Annette
(Cardiff city)

My pattern is a Leyland beronco cardigan. The right side tells me to decrease on my 8sts knit 2 knit 2together after 5inch, then same after 10 but I think it should say on the wrong side not the right side please help thanks.

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Oct 26, 2019
button band decrease
by: Ratchadawan

Is it berocco or beronco?
I couldn't find the pattern to see how the whold pattern is like.

In my experience, most of the patterns are decreased on the right side. Rarely that I've come across one on the wrong side. I think you're doing fine. I'd continue on with the pattern. If the pattern says right side, then it should be. If you strongly feel that this isn't right then I would suggest contacting the designer.

Thank you for sending in your question and sharing this. Best to your project!


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