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Shaping Raglan armholes on baby jumper pattern

by Grace

Hi I was wandering if you could help me with understanding this part of a pattern:

Dec 1 st at each end of next and 6 8: 7: 9: 9 foll 4th rows, then on
foll 10 8: 11: 8: 9 alt rows. 25 27: 27: 31: 31 sts.

I just can't seem to figure out what to do!

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Aug 06, 2023
Shaping Raglan armholes on baby jumper pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Grace,

Sorry for the late reply. We just got back from vacation.

First, let take a look at the pattern sizing. The numbers outside and inside the brackets indicate different sizes of the pattern. They rank for smallest size to the largest. You look at your chosen size and see which position it is at. For example, if you size is smallest, then your number in each direction is aways be the first number outside the bracket. Maybe, you already know this. I like to circle all my size's numbers with a pencil so that I don't get confused.

In this direction, I will pretend you size is the smallest one. We'll follow the first number given on each section of instruction.

Begin dec 1 st at each end of the next row and the every 4th row 6 times (the other sizes would call for 8, 7, 9, 9 times).
Then dec 1 st at each end of every other rows 10 times (the other sizes would be 8,11, 8, 9).

You would end up with 25 sts for the smallest size and the other sizes would be 27, 27, 31 and 31.

I hope this makes sense.
Best to you!


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