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Cute Short Skirt With Lacy Edge - Super Easy, Super Cute Knitting Pattern For Girls

I've knitted this skirt several years back when the kids were 3. Three years have passed this short skirt still fits my girls. It was fun to see how the knitted skirt looked like when combined with lace. It turned out pretty cute, I think. It is a good way to use up those leftover laces. Actually this shot skirt was knitted with a Bond knitting machine but I'm writing it for hand knit. This pattern is really easy and any beginner can knit this one. The whole skirt is knitted in stockinette stitch (knit on the right side and purl on the wrong side) excepted for the last four rows of garter stitch (knit every row) at the edge before the lace placement. The only stitches you need to know in this pattern are knit, purl, and M 1 (make one) or increase. Let's take a look at the skirt 's description and materials required for making one. 

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Image I: short skirt with lacy edge knitted with variegated worsted weight yarn decorated bottom edge with preexisting white nylon lace.


A short skirt for girl knitted in stockinette stitch on its main body. The waist of the skirt is in 1 x 1 ribbing pattern and the lower edge is in garter stitch. The lace is added to the lower edge to give it a more delicate look.

Finished Measurement for this skirt in the photo. ( you can customize you own size)

waist = 20 inches.
length = 10 1/4 inches total. The lace is an inch wide.


1. 150 g Worsted weight yarn of your choice
2. A pair of Straight needles suggested for your chosen yarn
3. 1 yard of 1 inch-wide lace for the lower edge
4. Tapestry needle
5. Regular sewing needle and thread with similar color to the lace
6. 1/2 inch- wide elastic band for the waist
7. Scissor
8. tape measuring

Direction On how to make short skirt with lacy edge

Determine your yarn gauge per inch. Then multiply it by desired waist circumference.
number of stitches per inches x waist circumference = number of total cast on stitches

For example, my gauge is 4.5 sts/inch and my desired waist circumference is 20. When I multiply these numbers together I would get 90. Since the skirt will be knitted in 2 pieces - front and back, we need to divide these stitches in half. So we would get 45 sts for each cast on.

Image 2: My 6 yo daughter wearing short skirt with lacy edge. It turns into mini skirt now.

Skirt Front

Start Waistband as follows;

Begin cast on half of your desired waist length. Knit in 1 x 1 ribbing (k1, p1 on the right side and p1, k1 on the wrong side) for about 1.5 inches. Ending with the right side row.
Next row (wrong side): Knit. This is a part where you will fold over elastic waistband and sew it close.

Work stockinette sts (knit on the right side and purl on the wrong side) for 6 more rows.

Begin increase skirt body as follow;

*next row : K1, M1 (pick up the horizontal yarn between the two stitches with the left needle and knit into the back of it with the right needle), k to the last st, M 1, k1.
Work Stockinette st for 7 more rows; repeat from * until you have 1 ½ inches less than your desired length. Then Knit 4 rows to form garter sts border. Bind off loosely.

Back of skirt

Work as for front.

Assembly (I made it sounds more difficult than it should be.)

With right sides together, sew both side seams with the same yarn using tapestry needle. Cut elastic waistband 1 inch longer than desired length. Overlap ½ inch of each end and sew them together with sewing needle or sewing machine if preferred. With the skirt wrong side out, place elastic band over and around the top of the skirt. Fold the cast on edge over the elastic band and sew it close. (you can tell where the skirt waistband ends by looking at the purl line from the right side)
Now you can finish it off by adding a cute lace ribbon along the bottom edge. I sew mine on with the sewing machine. But there’s nothing wrong with sewing it with your hand using just plain sewing needle and thread.

There you have it! a cute little short skirt with lacy border. Hope you give it a try and send a picture to me so that I can post it on my website.

* * *End of Short Skirt With Lacy Edge * * *

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Thank you for a straight-needle girl's skirt! Not rated yet
Hi - I want to thank you for posting a free pattern for a girl's skirt in straight needles (Lacy Edge Skirt) . I am not as good a knitter as I am a crocheter, …

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