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Sl 2 pwise wyb on both RS and WS

by Julie
(San Antonio, TX USA)

I am working a pattern that starts off (RS row) with Sl 2 pwise wyb. I am then supposed to repeat this at the beginning of the WS row. The pattern notes say that it will create an I-Cord edge. I understand what that type of an edge is, but I’ve never seen it written that way: Sl 2 pwise wyb. What exactly am I supposed to do?

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Jun 13, 2023
by: Julie

Thanks, Ratcha! I agree that it seems like on the second row, the wrong side row, you should keep the yarn in the front. The pattern is not written that way, but it just doesn’t make sense otherwise because you get that strange horizontal bar that you showed in your video. I will proceed as you have instructed. Thanks!


So glad you agree with me, Julie. Have fun!


Jun 13, 2023
sl 2 wise wyb on both RS and WS
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Julie, Thanks for asking.

Yes, you don't see that often. You make sure the yarn is not in front of the needle when you start to work on the RS row. Sl 2 and then pull the yarn tight before working on the rest of the row. Do, the same on the WS row.

The problem I have with this instruction is that WS row is not working well if the yarn is at back of work. I feel like it should be in the front before sl2. This will make both edges look the same.

You could try knit a small piece and see how edges look.

Here is my video trying to explain it to you. I hope it makes sense.

good luck!


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