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Stuck on pattern - 5 hrs baby poncho

by Carol
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

sketch poncho instruction

sketch poncho instruction


I'm making a baby poncho. Row 26: K5, *increase one stitch, K5 repeat from * ending K1 (20 stitches increased) and place last 3 stitches on holder (121 stitches on needles). Do NOT turn work, poncho will now be done in the round.
Rounds start at the center front.

Round 27: Join by holding stitch holder in front of work (overlapping the buttonbands) and P2tog using one stitch from the holder and one stitch from the buttonband on the poncho, repeat 2 more times. (121 stitches) Place a Marker.

I am so lost. very confused on how to join. The yoke was knitted flat and now they want me to join.....but how?


hope you can help me. Thanks in advance

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Sep 21, 2017
baby poncho
by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome. Glad it worked out!


Sep 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thank you soooo much , I got it !!!!

Sep 14, 2017
Answer to 5 hours baby poncho
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Carol,

In order to joint row 27 in round, you have to have all of of the stitches on circular needles. start with a short one that fit well with the york first. Once you have done that then you place the last 3 sts on a holder.

It is hard to explain how to do row 27, so I did a sketch for you. It'll be more clearer that just to say it. I tried my best and I hope it does the job. Please read instruction in the picture.

When the poncho is getting to tight for short circular needles then you can change it to a longer one.

Best to your poncho project!


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