Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

Summer scarf yarn

by Mildred
(Brooklyn, NY , USA)

Fell in love with "Pretty striped Summer Scarf", and would like to make it.
What are the colors used, name of yarn and where can I purchase it?? 🙄
Thank you so much.

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Nov 30, 2016
Summer Scarf
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Mildred,

Thank you for liking the scarf. Here is an info I found on the yarn labels.

The bamboo/cotton combo yarn is called "Jenny" and kid mohair yarn is called "Kid Mohair". They're both from Ellyn Cooper's Yarn which is based in Sonnets, Connecticut. Tel#(860) 822-0829. The representatives travel around the country to present their products. I got them went I went to the Sheep and Wool festival in Maryland.

Have a wonderful day!


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