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Understanding Short Rows

To shape the bottom, now work short rows in the back as follows:

What does it mean when the instructions say to knit until 30 stitches before the marker on the right side, turn, yo, then purl until 30 stitches before the marker on the left side, turn, yo?

It says to repeat these two short rows until turning 5 stitches closer to the marker on each side a total of 6 times.

I think I can figure out the yo's section but its the wording of the short rows that am having problems with.

I will be looking on YouTube to see how to do the German Short Rows.

Thank you for any help that you can give me.


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Jan 31, 2019
short row
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Debra,

Thank you for visiting. I'll try to explain to you the way I understand it. Here it goes;

Starting out with this row, I'll make it row 1: knit until you have 30 sts left before you get to the right side marker. Now turn your work to another side be careful not to drop needles or drop sts.
Now work on another part of the short row which I will call it

row 2: YO, purl until you have 30st remain before the marker of the left side. Turn work and yarn over and repeat row 1 and 2 until you have 5 sts left before each marker. Just remember to do YO after each turn.

I'm not sure if I'm helping you at all but I hope so. Thank you for sending in the question.

Have a great evening!

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