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Waste yarn

by Rhonda
(Independence, LA)

My pattern says,"...Afterthought Heel Placement: Using a piece of
waste yarn, knit the next 34 stitches . Slip these
stitches back onto left side of needle and
resume knitting in stockinette stitch with MC."

Usually, I would place 34 stitches on waste yarn and continue knitting down the row after those stitches. What is this pattern asking me to do? Thank you.

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Nov 14, 2023
afterthought heel
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Ronda,

Thanks for asking. I'm not familiar with the afterthought heel. I knit most of my socks on my machine these day.

I've watch a few videos about the afterthought heel. It's pretty neat, actually.

I think the reason you place the stitches back on to the left needle is because you can begin a new row over the waste yarn on the right side. I don't see why you can do it the way you've always done.

Here is a video I found that shows slipping waste yarn on a needle.

Have a nice day!

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