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What are Place Marker and Slip Marker?

by Eve tonks

stitch markers

stitch markers

What does this mean? How do you do it?

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Feb 08, 2021
How to place a marker and slip a marker
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Eve,

A marker is used for marking a spot to help keep track of a row or an area where you want to make increase, decrease or other thing. You can use a paper clip, a thin plastic ring such as a ring for an electric toothbrush, a rubber band or even a string for a marker. You can buy pack of markers for a very affordable price. There are also some fancy handmade stitch markers as well.

To "place a marker" is to slip a ring on to a right needle when it say so and then continue on with your work. The ring stays on the needle until the instruction says to take it off. Some marker can be attach to a stitch itself and you have to move it up as you go. I don't like this kind too much because it can fall off and then you can loose track of your mark.

To"slip a marker" is when the marker is on the left needle and you need to move it to the right needle so that you can continue working on the next sts. After you slip the marker, you work across the marker while it's still on the right needle. That's why you need a thin piece of ring so that it won't make a big space.

I hope this helps. Thanks for visiting.


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