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What is the measurement of an armhole for the front of a sweater?

by Yen Ma
(South Surrey, BC, Canada)

I'm working on the front of a sweater. It says: Cont even in pat until armhole measures 16 rows less than Back to shoulder, ending on a WS row. How would I know what is the measurement of the Back to shoulder? Whereabouts on the back do I start the measurement?

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Mar 13, 2020

by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome!
I'm glad I can help.

I'm sure you'll get to cross the border to see Bellingham some day.


Mar 12, 2020
by: Anonymous

Thank-you Ratcha!

You are really helpful. I don't know how I would've done it without you.

Yes we live really close. Believe it not, I haven't crossed the US-Canada border yet.


Mar 11, 2020
front armhole question
by: Ratchadawan

This is going to be a neckline so you want to work until you have 16 rows less than the finished back piece. So you can measure this by laying the back piece that you finished earlier down and lay the front piece on top of it with the bottom edges at the same level. Then you can count row 1 from the top of the shoulder of the back piece down to the 16 rows. Mark this spot as an area where you need to stop and work on your neck line.

Hope this is not too confusing.


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