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What type of stitch is this

by Helen Blask
(Farmington, NY)

Mesh Knitted Sweater (A mysterious stitch!)

Mesh Knitted Sweater (A mysterious stitch!)

The pattern for the picture is:

Row 1: k1, p1. (Simple) Row 2 and Row 4 are were I am lost

Row 2: selvage st, *p1, with RH needle, pick up right leg of first st on LH needle 1 row below form right to left. Right leg of this stitch is now on RH needle. Then insert RH needle kwise into first st on LH needle and ktog these 2 loops. rep from *

Row 3: Repeat row 1

Row 4: selvage st, *p1, with RH needle, pick up left leg of first st on LH needle 1 row below from left to right. Left leg of this stitch is now on RH needle. Then insert RH needle kwise into first st on LH needle and ktog these 2 loops.

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Jul 13, 2016
Thank you
by: Anonymous


Thank you so much, the video made this stitch very easy to understand.


YOu're welcome, Helen.


Jul 06, 2016
Video showing how to knit row 2-4
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Helen,

Thankfully, I got to have some time to make this video for you tonight. I had to lock myself in a hotel
's bathroom away from my hubby and daughter for a few minutes. I hope the video help you . I followed all the details you gave me And try as best as I could. Hopefully this will help you.

The pattern turns out to be more like ribbing than mesh. This makes more sense since there is not any yo St in there to make a mesh St.

Anyway, here is a link to the video;

Jul 05, 2016
What type of stitch is this
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Helen,

I don't know what type of stitch this is. I've never knitted this one before. It's some kind of a mesh or a filet stitch. I looked around the web but couldn't see any thing like it.

I'm in the middle of packing for a trip and not quite ready to sit down and try to knit this one yet. I'm planing on knitting a sample during my trip (while my husband is driving) and see if I can come up with this stitch. Hopefully I can get back to you by tomorrow.

Thanks for the question,


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