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Why is what I’m knitting not lining up with the pattern

by Kayla Dillman
(Portage WI)

I am knitting a Up& Sideways Striped blanket. The pattern is a garter stitch pattern. It calls for medium weight yarn. And size 10 1/2 circular needles. I am using size 10 1/2 straight needles. I am 27 rows down, and it’s already 9 inches long. The pattern says to do 70 rows per square (each 4 colors) I’m on color number 1 and I’m 27 rows down and already have 9 inches down. The finished length of the blanket is supposed to me according to the pattern 31” X 40” if I keep going to get to that 70 rows I’m gonna be almost to that 31 already if not over that with only the 1st color. Why is that? Or what Am I doing wrong. Ugh!! Please help!

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Mar 12, 2021
Why is what I’m knitting not lining up with the pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Kayla,

I think the problem is with the yarn. Your yarn may be a little thicker than the pattern yarn. You can check the gauge of your yarn and compare to the one that suggested. I can't think of anything else.

If you want to go by what you have now 9", you can just add a new color. That would work too.


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