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Yarn tension

by Lynda Hennell

I have Aran weight yarn,but the pattern I want to knit is for double knit wool with size 8 and 10 needles. Can I adjust the needle size and work to a smaller size? If so how many sizes smaller, or how to adjust a tension square? Thank you

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Nov 20, 2016
Adjust Yarn Tension
by: Ratchadawan

I think size 7 and 9 needles might be able to do it because size 6 might be too tight. First, check to see what the gauge in the pattern is. Then knit a sample swatch with your yarn (bout 4 inches wide and about an inch tall. ) Then compare your gauge to that of the pattern. Adjust needle to get the number of stitches as close to the pattern as possible. I don't worry much about the height but the number stitches per inches because I can always add or illuminate my rows.

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