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Yoke sweater and how to make it bigger

by Maria Krier
(Greeley, Colorado)

Top down sweater

Top down sweater

Hello! I am knitting a top down sweater. I started knitting along with a YouTube video tutorial. My question is, how can I make the yoke bigger? I also added lots of increases because I was concerned that it wasn’t quite big enough. The lady in the video only made a few increases in the corners of her yoke. Will the extra increases screw up the pattern?

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Oct 27, 2023
york sweater
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Maria,

Yes, you should follow the instruction when making increases at the beginning. This is very important because these areas indicate the the front, the back, and the left and right arm. If you increase stitches now you'll mess up the whole thing. If you want the sweater to get bigger and wider, you can continue working on the York as big as you like. You'll start see the pattern of increase as you keep working.

I'm sorry that you have to start it all over again but it will be great next time.

Best to you,


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